Self-embody with gentle, powerful, customized bodywork

Discover a unique approach to massage and strength and flexibility training that is nervous-system-focused, pain-free, responsive, and gentle yet powerful.

Embodied Movement & Massage is the practice of Daniel M Keene, licensed massage therapist, ACE certified personal trainer, choreographer, and former professional ballet dancer with American Ballet Theatre.

You are the expert at being in your body, and a session with Daniel is a collaboration to support you in calming, connecting, de-stressing, activating, strengthening, gaining awareness, and easing pain, tension, and guarding. With sensitivity, open non-hierarchical communication, and current pain science in mind, Daniel intently listens to you and your body, empowering you on your wellness journey.

Bodywork with Daniel


  • A unique, nervous-system-focused massage for deep relaxation and pain-relief. Slowdown with long held skin stretches (cutaneous nerve mobilizations) to calm your brain, as well as Swedish, Thai, Shiatsu, reflexology, positional release, and myofascial techniques. Informed by current pain science and Dermo-Neuro-Modulation (think skin-brain connection). Daniel works intuitively, listening to you and your body.

    60 minutes | $155
    4 pack | $576 (save $44, 7%)

    90 minutes | $215
    4 pack | $799 (save $61, 7%)

    + aromatherapy essential oils $15

  • Healing movement meets bodywork to help you feel and move your best. A mix of assisted-stretch, movement, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), exercises, and active techniques, as well as passive manual therapy and massage to help you address your needs and goals.

    45 minutes | $145
    4 pack | $539 (save $41, 7%)

    60 minutes | $185
    4 pack | $688 (save $52, 7%)

  • Functional strength and flexibility training with a neuro-myo-fascial focused approach. Gain strength and flexibility through eccentric training (muscles contracted while lengthening). Reduce tension and pain. Feel more awareness, connection, and integration.

    60 min | $100 (virtual or in person)
    4 pack | $372 (save $28, 7%)

  • Mindful and restorative movement that feels like a yawning stretch. Like a mix of a yoga and Pilates class. Strengthen, gain movement, and self-embody.

    Virtual Thursdays 6:15-7:25pm $20

    Monthly pass: $72 (save 10%)

  • Includes one Massage or “Movement + Massage” session per month plus access to weekly virtual Fascia Love class Mondays 6:15-7:15 pm EST in real time as well as access to class recordings.

    60 min massage + weekly class $195/month {save $40}

    90 min massage + weekly class $244/month {save $51}

    45 min “movement + massage” + weekly class $186/month {save $39}

    60 min “movement + massage” + weekly class $219/month {save $46}

  • Massage helps to reduce pain and tension, boost immunity, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve sleep.